So do I think anyone is reading this? Not really. I guess blogs are a good way to allow people to vent without really getting noticed. It's a bit like our notion of democracy, let people vote, make them feel like they are making a difference but not really giving them any power what so ever! It's like totalitarianism but without the suffering. The better of the two evils, definitely.
I remember when Gordon was about to become PM there was word of second preference voting for general elections. Now that's certainly better than what we have now and more people would feel engaged. The problem we have, of course, is the demographic of politics may change a bit and it would be more of a reflection of the nation's leaning. I call this a problem, not for me, but for the 'ESTABLISHMENT'. I never quite knew what that really meant, but it seems if you join them, you are no longer part of anything else!? Is that right? How does one go from pacifist to war monger in a matter of a few weeks? Ans: get elected! Are there truly some who are more equal than others? Is one truly innocent until proven guilty? Or does that depend on your enemy combatant status? Or a thought criminal for that matter? I wrote earlier that the guy drilling outside my office was annoying me so much that I had the urge to kill him, but of course, I didn't really mean I would or even could.
When it comes to killing, or steeling, the ends never justify the means. Never ever. Honour lies with those who withstand all calls to move them from such a position.
So which is worse? a 10 year old watching someone cutting or shooting someone or watching two adults making love naked? I'd say one of these isn't bad at all.
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