Friday, March 30, 2012

The year was 1994

I was right in the middle of a Master's degree course at Imperial College and Remo was Technical Director of a big set top box manufacturing and distribution company at the time. At weekends and in the evenings Remo (as I was stuck in a laboratory in West London) was getting my original quite messily built prototype into a production ready product. We then managed to somehow wangle a spot at the Heathrow Hi-Fi show, which was very big in those days and the rest just followed on from there.

A friend of a friend, who owned a hifi shop at the time had helped us blag our way in (to the hifi show) and somehow convinced  one of his friends who had a show room to plug our amp into his speakers. It wasn't agreed at the time, but by the end of the show all the said gentleman wanted in payment was "one of those beautifully sounding amplifiers". We had just all witnessed the Sonneteer Campion's first steps. A bit like my daughter, all she wanted to do was run after that.

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