First Morpheus landed in Germany yesterday care of our friends at UPS and our new friends at Design and Sound. We had a call to say thank you and how they were smitten as soon as they opened the box. They had some friends pop over in the evening and they all seemed to want one and the luxury price tag was clearly no barrier.
As I was having the conversation with a clearly very pleased customer, I was reminded of our experience when showing the Morpheus in Las Vegas for first time in a beautifully laid out suite at the Venetian Hotel. Imagine a split apartment set out with an elevated Dining area and a lower level living room. The Morpheus was set out on the Side board with a pair of beautiful Penaudio Rogue loudspeakers and the machined aluminium handset astride.....Now where was I going with this? Oh yes, the experience: Well as people started to stream through the corridors and snifffing their way around all the show bits and pieces as they stumbled upon us the reaction was quite extra ordinary. We in the hi-fi trade are more used to afictionados dissecting the sonic reproduction of their favorite CDs and records as they sit for lengths of time, very seriously, critiquing the products. This time the experience was quite different, more instant , and very pleasing. Almost without exception as eyes locked onto the first Sonneteer Morpheus in the room, they all said:"Oh that's beautiful, I want one" then they said, "oh what is it?". It may as well have been a toaster, we got them at, erm, hello! That's sort of what our friend Christian experienced yesterday at his place.
Now, I am one the two guys who designed the Campion, Alabaster, Byron, Bronte and Sedley as well as one or two non Sonneteer things we will not mention and I am quite fussy about sound qulity and am rarely happy if its not spot on. rarely do I think we've got something spot on as there is always room to improve. Of course if I didnt let go then the campion, 15 years on, would still be on the test bench and in the listening room and Sonneteer would never have come to be. I digress! What I was trying to say is that I have Morpheus in my living room. It is my main system.
Oh I still love the natural stress reliving sound of the Byron through an Alabster and I have as pair sitting to the side begging to take the Morpheus's spot in the corner of the room. Aint gonna happen!